Globe bulbs
Globe light bulbs put your life in just the right light
During the last few years, globe light bulbs have become almost mandatory in the Danish home, shops and restaurants. A globe bulb can provide a lift to both the atmosphere and the design in any room, which is without a doubt the primary reason for the overwhelming popularity of these big bulbs. The oversized format of an E27 globe bulb makes it a design in itself and these beautiful pears will, therefore, almost always hang without a lamp shade. It would also be a pity to hide the beautiful globe bulb.
You can of course get big bulbs E27 in several different shapes including our selection of Edison light bulbs. When we talk about globe light bulbs, however, we mean the round ball-shaped version. These lamps are impressive in both size and shape but it is, of course, always the light that is paramount. You can, therefore, be sure to get the right light from one of Danlamp’s globe light bulbs.
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With decorative globe light bulbs, light is not just light
Although a globe bulb resembles a study of how the filament creates light, it is also possible to have an LED globe light bulb. You don’t, therefore, have to compromise on the use of energy to enjoy the beautiful and warm light from a globe light bulb. With an LED globe bulb, it also means that the bulbs don’t have to be replaced as often as the old incandescent light bulbs since they last longer.
So globe bulbs offer more benefits than just the beautiful light and elegant design.
Jan Vesterlund
Let's have a non-binding talk about creating the right lighting for you.