
Make your chandelier even more beautiful with bulbs

Chandeliers are especially good with the use of decorative light bulbs, thus obtaining a warm light. Incandescent bulbs make your chandelier look even more beautiful and is a natural mood creator. Right now, it is very popular to use chandeliers for lighting in shops and at home, and again the incandescent light bulb shows its worth. The beautiful shape of incandescent bulbs makes them an ideal option for use in sconces and chandeliers, where the bulb is visible and there is a need for an overall impression of the design and lighting.


Pretty like a candle

The warm and atmospheric lighting that chandelier lightbulbs provide, makes it ideal as a substitute for candles. Chandelier bulb is a classic and natural light that can be used when seeking an exclusive feel with a warm glow, e.g. in chandeliers and sconces.


Lysekroner har været brugt til belysning i mange år. Tidligere var lysekroner primært brugt på herregårde og slotte, altså i det finere samfundslag. En overgang blev lysekronen dog nærmest umoderne og man søgte mere at skabe et køligere og skarpere lys med sine lyskilder. Men efterhånden er lysekronen og den varme hyggebelysning man opnår med sådan en lyskilde igen blevet meget populær og nu findes lysekroner i alle mulige samfundslag. Man kan stadig købe gamle, antikke lysekroner forskellige steder, blandt andet i antikvitetsforretninger. Disse gamle lampetter har en helt speciel charme over sig, som passer flot ind i mange forskellige boligstilarter. De gamle lysekroner gør sig både godt i et hjem med antikke møbler og i et hjem med møbler i moderne stilarter.

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In the old times candles were used in chandeliers to create both heat and light, but in more recent times bulbs are more often used in chandeliers. Incandescent bulbs provide a unique and warm light, which suits the overall expression of chandeliers well. Apart from the old, antique chandeliers, a lot of new chandeliers in various styles and at very different prices are now produced. As in the old days crystal chandeliers are still produced today.

Chandeliers were originally mostly produced in brass, silver or gold. Today chandeliers are produced from all sorts of materials, both the original metals but also plastics and other similar materials are used. The new chandeliers which are produced, often act with energy saving bulbs, but we recommend that you use incandescent bulbs to chandeliers in order to achieve a beautiful overall impression of the crown and to provide just the right lighting.



Incandescent bulbs are still produced and sold despite of rumors to the contrary. Our bulbs are designed for decorative purposes and therefore they can and will be produced although there may be restrictions for the original incandescent bulbs with time. Therefore, you can be sure that you can continue to purchase beautiful, decorative bulbs for your chandelier. Some have chosen to replace incandescent bulbs with other types of bulbs, mainly because of the relatively short lifespan of an incandescent bulb. However, the decorative incandescent bulb has a lifespan of 2-4 times longer than ordinary incandescent bulbs. In some cases such as with a chandelier aesthetics are often more important than the lifespan of the bulb and a chandelier with low energy light bulbs usually do not look very carried out. Additionally, incandescent bulb is also giving off some heat, giving the chandelier a more natural expression as well as providing a natural expression to the space it lights up. Church candle The larger Church Candle bulb does really well in plain chande-liers and sconces. The beautiful light is perfect with brass lamps.

Find the right candle bulb for your chandelier

Jan Vesterlund

Jan Vesterlund

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